Current Nutrition Plan

Post workout- with in 30 minutes of working out 

20 G 1 scoop chocolate paleo protein 

10 g collagen protein 

6 oz fresh fruit 

Meal 1- 

2 organic chicken sausage 

1 tbsp organic wild honey 

1 tbsp almond butter or peanut butter

3 oz sweet potato 

Meal 2- 

4.5 oz chicken, ground turkey or wild caught fish 

1 oz walnuts or 1.5 oz pumpkin seeds 

1 serving any green veggie 

1 justthrive probiotic 

Meal 3- 

4.5 oz chicken, ground turkey or wild caught fish 

1/2 avocado

6 oz fruit 

1 serving any green veggie (cucumber, bell peppers, green beans)

Meal 4- 

4.5 oz any protein source 

BIG ASS salad (spinach, spring mix, romaine, cucumber, bell peppers, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes)

1/2 oz raw walnuts or 1 oz organic pumpkin seeds 

1 tbsp organic olive oil 

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar or red wine vinegar 


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