1 Month with Zander Cai


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1 month?! How in the world has it been 1 month with this angel? Zander Cai Mann entered the world on February 18th 2020 at 5:18 am. I am still working on the birth story and that will be up soon but right now I'm lucky to get this post up. #newborns

I wanted to take a minute to document this past month and really just show off my cute baby. teehee So, what did this month look like for Mr. Zander?

-Eats every 2-3 hours on the dot

-Loves to fall asleep while eating

-Weights 10 lbs 6 oz

-Will not be swaddled *he loves to have his hands by his face* We are using the nested bean instead of a traditional swaddle

-Loves bath time

-Can hold his head up for 20-30 seconds at a time

-Loves skin on skin

-Has been congested from 1 week old

-Has moved up to size 1 diapers

-Currently using the Ryan and Ryan Flat Paci

-Has moved up to the medium speed nipple

-Never cries during diaper changes

-Suffering from some gas

-Fights naps like a wild man but sleeps great during the night

-Loves tummy time

-Never gets milk drunk or sits still

-Does okay in the car seat but not preferrable

-Attended first Chiropractor appointment last week and seemed to really help with gas

-Loves to stare at lights / blinds

-Became alert this week and will follow our voices

-Developed some eczema on his cheeks this week

-Loves his mommy and daddy

This little guy gives us a run for our money but is such a light in our life and we couldn't be more thankful for him. He is our best friend and the love of our life. I will be documenting each month to track his growth and milestones. We are so lucky to get to be this little boy's parents.

This post is more from his perspective but I will be working on a post all about life from our perspective very soon.


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