Pregnancy Essentials to get you through your First Trimester.

I’m learning quickly that my second pregnancy is a bit different than the first go around. However, there are lots of things that haven’t changed. One of the challenges that I’ve faced in the past and with this pregnancy is getting quality sleep and maintaining my energy levels. Self-care is key to a happy and healthy pregnancy. I was hoping to skip the morning sickness with baby #2 but I am thankful it’s not as severe as when I was pregnant with Zander. I’m sharing a few items and tips that have definitely made life easier and more comfortable for this pregnant mama!


During my first pregnancy, I was so nauseous for the entire first trimester that it was almost impossible for me to get up and move my body. It was debilitating!! These acupuncture wristbands literally saved me!! They are so effective and I’m using the exact same pair for this pregnancy. Another huge help was diffusing minty essentials oils. Doterra Peppermint and Breathe are the oils that made the biggest difference. Having peppermint essential oil on hand is such a life-hack for nausea. Simply inhaling the scent minimizes that morning sickness feeling.

Another treatment for morning sickness is the combination of B6 and Unisom. It is recommended to try the B6 on its own before combining the two. The dose will vary per person so, as always, speak with your doctor before beginning to take any medications.

One of the “do’s” to keep morning sickness to a minimum is to snack on crackers or dry toast before getting out of bed each morning. I keep a box of Simple Mills Almond Flour Crackers on the bedside table so I can grab it before my feet hit the floor.


Many times nausea and morning sickness come with vomiting, making dehydration a real threat during pregnancy. I find that staying hydrated actually helps with the nausea and having a large tumbler on hand makes it easier to reach my daily intake goal. The Stanley tumbler is the most convenient for me because it holds 40 oz and keeps it cold all day. It fits into the cup holder in my car and on the treadmill.

Also, if you need to hydrate faster or simply feeling run down, Liquid IV contains the electrolytes and essential vitamins to get your body where it needs to be. Many times I mix up a Liquid IV in my water for a headache and it does the trick. Use code MANN20 for 20% off your Liquid IV purchase. CLICK HERE TO SHOP LIQUID IV.


Dressing for comfort always starts with leggings 😊 With a growing belly, I need clothes and loungewear that is supportive but not restrictive. Also, the right pair of sneakers can save you from backpain at the end of the day. When it comes to being comfy, I’m looking for versatile and easy care. Here are a few pieces that are wardrobe basics during the first trimester.

Here are a few additional options for loungewear and undergarments. For Parade brand items, use code TANNER35 for 35% off.


My body is changing but it’s imperative to keep active. The workout plan changes based on the fact that I’m carrying another human. Getting outside for a long hike does wonders for keeping me healthy. Also, I follow the Mann Bump Healthy Pregnancy Program for exercises and stretches to keep me and baby healthy throughout the pregnancy.


Doctors recommend taking a prenatal vitamin for optimal health of your baby. Pregnancy alters the needs of a woman’s body and creates a need for more folic acid and iron. Supplementing with a prenatal can assist in providing you with that, along with a healthy diet. Again, always consult with your doctor prior to taking. Another means of supporting a healthy pregnancy is Organic Pregnancy Tea herbal supplement. With a hint of mild and sweet, I really enjoy relaxing with a warm cup of tea that is formulated to support pregnancy.


I realized after having my first baby that my skin really endured so much stress from start to finish. As my skin grew and stretched, I was constantly moisturizing in order to avoid dry and itchy skin. It not only helped to soothe and calm my skin but helps in avoiding stretch marks.

Additional moisturizer options below:

Stay tuned for more as I navigate through this pregnancy and share all the fabulous details!!



Spring arrivals at target


Pregnancy announcement