Feed Your Hair with Hair Food

This post is sponsored by Hair Food. All opinions and thoughts expressed are my own.

What is your go-to hairstyle? I feel like everyone has their signature style. Mine is definitely just a classic straightened look. It’s easy and pairs well with every outfit known to man. It’s the reason I cut it. Fun fact: I’ve been dying my hair since I was 11. My grandma is a stylist and has been hooking me up my entire life. I don’t even know my real hair color. With year after year of coloring, I’ve had to be picky about my haircare. These locks are precious to me. We’ve all heard that blondes have more fun. Well, it’s true but we also have to treat our hair like gold. A few friends introduced me to Hair Food a few months back because I’m a sucker for products with clean and natural ingredients. I fell in love with their Coconut & Chai Spice Shampoo and Conditioner shortly after using them. I recently added their SHEA BUTTER & PEAR COLOR REPAIR CONCENTRATE treatment to my collection.

A huge reason I bought into Hair Food, before even using the products, was their mission. Hair Food believes that what you put on your hair is just as important as what you eat and our mission is simple: feed your hair like you feed your body. This is huge for me. I am an advocate for overall health, inside and out. As careful as I am about what I put into my body, you know I love when I can find topical products that are just as beneficial. All Hair Food products are certified cruelty-free by PETA. Recipes are always free of sulfates, parabens, mineral oil and dyes. 

If you’ve been coloring your hair as long as I have or if you just started coloring it last week, you have to take the extra steps to retain that vibrancy and prevent the dreaded fade. This treatment does just that while repairing signs of damage. It’s super easy to use. Apply it to your hair once damp in the shower. Massage it from mid-length to your ends and then rinse. Be sure to rinse it all out. The box comes with 4 tubes. If you have short hair like me you should be able to get 2 uses out of each tube. You can’t beat 4 tubes for $9. You can snag this at Walmart, Target, or hop on that 2 day- Amazon Prime train here

The Coconut & Chai Spice Shampoo and Conditioner are extremely nourishing. I have normal to oily hair that has a nice little frizz to it when drying. Not straight and not curly. This combo is best for all hair types. It’s infused with essences of creamy coconut milk and chai spice for a boost of volume and a heavenly smell. It really does leave your hair looking, feeling and smelling luxurious.  I wash my hair about 2 days a week and admittedly use heat from the blow-dryer and straightener a few times a week. I feel confident that my hair is protected and healthy enough to withstand the day-to-day stylings with my current haircare routine. Check out their other products as well. They offer oils, masks, and treatments. 


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