Fun Questions to ask your Partner

I know we are all stuck in the house and tired of scrolling through Netflix looking for something to pop out at us. It's this weird state of not really knowing what to do except stay inside and pray that things get better soon. I won't lie, this hasn't been the case for Chandler and I because we have a newborn. There isn't a second of downtime around here. Before Zander was born, one of our favorite things to do was interview each other. We would think of questions or google fun things to ask each other and see where it took us. This is still one of our favorite things to do. You pass the time, have a few laughs, and get to know each other a little better. I've put together 20 questions that you and your partner can throw at each other.

Chandler and I will be answering some of these over on Instagram stories soon. Enjoy!!

1. What was your first impression of me? Did you ever dislike me?

2. If you woke up tomorrow as the opposite sex, what would you do first?

3. Do you think you're a good kisser?

4. Is there a memory of me that always makes you laugh?

5. Have I ever embarrassed you?

6. Have you ever stolen anything?

7. Do you believe in aliens?

8. What do you want to name our next pet?

9. Who is your celebrity doppelgänger?

10. If you gave a Ted talk, what would it be about?

11. If safety was out of the question, what would you want to experience?

12. What would the name of your band be?

13. What song would you karaoke to?

14. How did your parents punish you when you were young?

15. What is the weirdest thing you Googled this week?

16. What would a movie version of your life be called?

17. What's the wildest night you've ever had?

18. When were you most proud of yourself?

19. What turns you on?

20. How can I be a better partner?


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